growing stronger together
Restorative Integrated Youth Services
The RIYS Program is a youth diversion program, supported by the collaboration between Oneida County Department of Family and Community Services, CNYHHN, and Safe Schools Mohawk Valley. These youth are at risk for out-of-home placements and further involvement in the juvenile justice system.
The RIYS Program will provides comprehensive, individualized case planning services and evidence-based interventions in the home, school and community, to youth who are at risk for out-of-home placement or further involvement in the juvenile justice system.
For more information contact our RIYS team:
Kelley Bennett, Divisional Director of County Programs
(315) 520-6825
Danielle Martin, LMSW, Executive Director, Connect-Ed
(315) 941-6609
Bernadette Leone, SSMV Supervisor
Nicole Genovese, OCDFCS Grade A Supervisor
Katie Remis, OCDFCS Grade B Supervisor